How to deal with Tech Hypes

One can debate over how to classify individual tech hypes, but one thing is clear: very few technologies live up to their expectations.

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What you definitely want to know about low-code applications

The more complex the application becomes, the more time the developer will spend on finding a way to deal with that complexity within the constraints of the low-code platform. This leads to losing the cost advantage and results in an application that is less user-friendly and efficient.

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Digital twin: the link between virtual and real reality

The term “digital twin” can cover very different meanings depending on the context

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These were the Belgian Offshore Days 2024

Making your own adjustments to low code solutions turns out to be mainly a theoretical option. In practice, companies still seem to fall back on external consultants.

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This was Indumation 2024

Transforming the result of the work of data scientists, like a trained AI model, into a user-friendly application for the organisation is a challange. Certainly in times where IT departments are already overloaded with projects.

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Coteng granted funding from European Union for development of an Offshore Wind Planning Optimization tool

The heart of the application will be a digital twin of the wind farm that simulates the output of the park based on all the parameters set by the operator

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Is your company ready for the new Network and Information Security (NIS2) legislation ?

Whoever executes his business continuity plan for the first time at a real incident will discover that something has been overlooked.

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Turning an innovative idea into an operational tool

Nobody benefits from an application with low adoption.

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This was Abiss 2023

Many companies work with in-house developed software, but struggle to find qualified people to keep up with the increasing demand for more connectivity in manufacturing.

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How new software solutions can be available faster

With the right approach you have a usable version in 3 to 6 months.

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Sustainable software use in times of digital abundance

We are proud of our software that has been working stably for 25 years and that can still communicate with modern applications today.

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How flexibility can get you trapped when using cloud hosting.

To drive 50 km to work every day with a cab is a very expensive solution.

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Quantify the advantage of your product: the power of digital tools in sales

From kick-off discussion to delivery of the multi-language application in just three months !

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How to avoid vendor lock-in in the context of software?

It is tempting to believe it will not happen to you. Until you read some experiences of users.

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Coteng in the spotlight: Our company on Kanaal Z

Whatever type of software you implement, make sure that users experience it as a help in their work. Only software that employees like to use delivers a positive ROI

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When digital tools become a real help

In the business world, employees now also expect the same degree of user-friendliness.

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ChatGPT about the risks of SAAS solutions

The most acute problem - vendor lock-in combined with large price increases - is not mentioned. However, Gartner ("SaaS Dominates Software Contracting by 2026 — and So Do Risks") predicted back in December 2021 that the rapid growth in the market power of SAAS providers will have a significant impact on how companies deal with IT costs.

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How the right digital tools positively influence job satisfaction

A digital transformation without adoption is wasted money. A system that really helps users to do their job better or faster is the best guarantee for a high adoption rate.

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How Parlangi has grown from prototype to reliable platform

A smart architecture enables flexibility in the further development of the application in a cost-efficient manner.

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Why these 3 obstacles often hinder innovation

Those who strive for a positive ROI must first ensure that the software is actually used and that it also delivers a direct or indirect efficiency gain.

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Customer intimacy, the way to bind customers

As a company you can go one step further than just offering good customer experience. Companies that pursue a customer intimacy strategy know very well the needs of their customers and try to meet them as much as possible, even when their customers have needs that do not directly match their own core business.

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Why the customer benefits from a loyal team of employees

When customers contact us two years after a project to continue building on that project or to start something new, they appreciate that we still know what it is about and do not have to explain their business again.

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How this evident advice is often overlooked in digital transformation (and it is not about technologies!)

"We notice that this often results in a recurring list of functionalities: a CRM, PIM, webshop, business dashboards and social media platform."

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How to pick the most suitable software solution

To some companies it might be a real challenge to value the most suitable software solution for their business idea. Putting down a positive ROI as the end result turns out to be quite a task. Do you now opt for standard software or do you go for a tailor-made solution? We wrote a report in which we highlight the advantages and disadvantages of both software options based on our years of expertise.

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Cleaning of data: Should you automatically opt for AI?

Coteng automates data cleaning and -processing of the Belwind park.

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